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Download Lubuntu 11.04
Download Lubuntu 11.04 Free Full Version You can try Lubuntu 11.04 before buy, its trial version is available in downloads.
Lubuntu - a modified version of the Linux-Distribution Ubuntu. The aim of the project is to create a lightweight Lubuntu energy-efficient distribution of low consumption of resources. As a desktop manager uses LXDE. Desktop LXDE uses Openbox window manager and has low system resources. It is well suited for netbooks, mobile devices and old PCs. Similar objectives pursued and the project Xubuntu.
At the moment Lubuntu not included in the list of the major distros Ubuntu, like Kubuntu, and Xubuntu. Also Lubuntu 10.04 Lucid is not a LTS-distribution.
1) Name Lubuntu - a combination of names and LXDE Ubuntu. LXDE stands for Lightweight X11 desktop environment, while Ubuntu means "humanity toward man" in the languages ??of Zulu and Xhosa.
2) Developers Lubuntu Made Distribution 4.10 use own repository lubuntu-oriented packages, to preserve the possibility of incorporating the latest developments after freezing the official repository of Ubuntu. Because of this they stabilized codebase Lubuntu, not postponing it for an autumn release
Lubuntu 11.04 | 680 MB

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